Sunday 23 October 2016

Peanuts: The companion of cold evenings

It’s almost winter season now and one thing that can’t be separated from winter is peanuts. The slightly sweet taste with the sound of crackle is soothing in its own indescribable in words way. But, Peanuts are not botanically “nuts” (By nuts I mean the real eating nuts). They belong with the bean plants. Imagine calling them “pea-beans”. Doesn’t seem right… Hmmn. Probably that is the reason they call it peanut. J
Now, for the real thing peanuts are rich in fats and proteins and low in carbohydrates. The high fat content accounts for the peanut oil and peanut butter. The proteins that are found in peanuts can cause allergies to some people, so be careful and I guess if you are eating up peanuts since you were young, and nothing happened to you, it’s quite alright for you to go on eating them. And also your peanuts can be infested by a fungus which produces aflatoxins so look at it before you eat. Due to low carbohydrates, no sugar level peaks are seen with these. Good for diabetics but if you have cardiovascular issues you should probably avoid these.
Peanuts are a significant source of a few vitamins, such as biotin, required for the metabolism of food to produce energy and other reactions and it is important for your hairs and nails, niacin and Vitamin E, which is an antioxidant and has some role in giving you a fresh skin. But remember excess of everything is bad. Besides, peanuts have a bag of minerals coming along as well containing copper, required by your oxidation enzymes.

Winter is almost here and peanuts as well. Go ahead, and enjoy your time with a little extra knowledge about what you are eating. It never hurts to know a thing or two.

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